'Until we understand what the land is, we are at odds with everything we touch'
Wendell Berry
The aim of European Walking Safari is to facilitate a greater understanding and connection to the natural world that immediately surrounds us. We mostly live in worlds beyond our idea of what nature is, in this way we have severed our connection to the very ecosystems that we really on and that support us. The sensibilities that bind us to nature are hardwired in us and it is just a matter of relearning skills and techniques that can amplify this connection once again.
To maximise our impact we have forged collaborations across the regions we operate in to create unique crossover experiences. By melding together Breathing workshops, Leadership programs, Indigenous systems thinking, Wolf tracking workshops, Wild camping experiences and Rewilding economies we hope to push boundaries and provoke real dialogue and real experiences! The message is that nature doesn't stop and start at the beginning of a trip, instead it is woven into all aspects of your daily life. So join an expedition to unravel its mysteries and feel the sensation of what it is to be connected and part of a living system once again!
Wolves, bears, vultures form the wild back drop to European Walking Safari's home in the mountains. From our Wildlife & Permaculture hub you can explore a range of phenomenal nature experiences.
In collaboration with WWF Romania's sister company Wewilder we host a true wilderness experience where you will wild camp and learn to trail European Bison through ancient Beech woodlands.
In collaboration with the Slovakia Wildlife Society participants will engage in essential wolf monitoring research whilst wild snow camping and learning the ancient art of animal tracking and the connective power this brings.
A true Scandinavian adventure! Canoe and hiking expedition that focuses on rekindling our connection to the 'outside world'. Wild beach camping, tracking moose and brown bear, forest and mushroom ecology workshops, campfire cooking are some of the many activities.
Leadership Programs designed around ecological network thinking and personal development. In collaboration with FNL & Niek van Halteren these multi-day experiences show that nature's systems can be adopted into the work and business sectors for the benefit of all.
In collaboration with Moving Leadership this unique program called Moving Mountains focuses on personal group development. Stripped back to raw elements, how does the 'outside' world change us? What inspiration can we use to change the thinking around us?
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